video + performance + installation

Jeff Kolar + Lia Kohl

TUSK Chicago

Disturbances is a site-specific radio performance and installation inside TUSK. Using FM radio transmitters, synthesizers, and electronics, the work was broadcast to 27 radio receivers installed throughout the space.

Augmented Geology
Katinka Kleijn + Lia Kohl

Yucca Valley Material Lab + Design Museum Chicago

Augmented Geology is part of an ongoing body of work exploring the cello as a body and an object. Drawing inspiration from the landscape of Joshua Tree, CA, Lia Kohl and Katinka Kleijn experimented with rock, rain, sand, fire, and wide open space, testing and capturing their effects on fragile cellos. Made in a landscape uniquely formed by time, erosion, and cataclysmic changes, the work is rooted in both patience and play.

Some explorations explore the visual and tactile– a cello filled with concrete, burned by the sun, or balanced on rock formations- others focus on sound. Beyond being odd and arresting juxtapositions, these small performances accumulate into larger questions about time and ephemerality, material and transformation.

Four of these works (video and performance ephemera) were on view at the Chicago Design Museum from November 2023 -January 2024

a small train going a long way
Nick Meryhew + Lia Kohl
Experimental Sound Studio Audible Gallery

A small train going a long way is a work of abstract sonic interventions in public spaces, documented through videos, sounds, maps, scores, and performance ephemera. It unfolds in collaboration with the unpredictable sounds of its environment, facilitating transient experiences of familiar places. 

The work consists of a series of multichannel sound pieces, linocut maps, and live performance.

Small Train was on view at ESS audible gallery, April 1 - May 14, 2022.

Photos by Ricardo Adame from the opening performance at ESS.

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Measures of Distance
Nick Meryhew + Lia Kohl
Roman Susan Art Foundation

Intimacy and alienation do not constitute a binary, but rather operate as simultaneous phenomena; expanding and contracting distances requiring fluid performances of vulnerability, support, propriety, and separation. For Measures of Distance, Lia and Nick navigate this matrix, exploring alternative intimacies, physical proximities, and ambiguous distances through video, performance ephemera, and sculptural objects.

Measures of Distance was a street-view exhibition on view 24 hours a day, with projections after dark from November 7, 2020 - December 20, 2020.

stills from Bread Piece

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Water on the Bridge
Katinka Kleijn and Lia Kohl
Eckhart Park Natatorium

Water on the Bridge is a surreal and playful exploration of tenderness, violence and letting go through the unlikely pairing of cellos and water. An ongoing project now with three iterations, Katinka Kleijn and Lia Kohl create site specific work exploring the possibilities of cellos in and around bodies of water. Each iteration incorporates elements of theatre, movement, and improvisation, as well as a rich sonic landscape drawn from both water and cellos. 

The project’s first full scale performance took place in March 2019, and was performed with 30 cellos in and out of the swimming pool in the Eckhart Park Natatorium. The pair played, floated and moved around the cellos accompanied by live electronics and recordings.

photos by Todd Rosenberg

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Anatomy for Interiors
Corey Smith + Jasmine Mendoza + Lia Kohl

An ongoing exploration of space, architecture, and relationships.

photos by Kioto Aoki

more works and CV upon request